On this website, you will find “where to how to” articles and information about fishing and hunting.  At this time, the website is in the ongoing process of being built and we will be adding a lot of content as we progress. We are multi-specie fishermen and even though I was born and raised in a coastal New England town and have fished the ocean extensively, I consider myself primarily a freshwater fisherman. My true passion with fishing is finding a new lake or river and sorting out the puzzle of how to catch whatever fish lives there. For me, my passion for hunting parallels my passion for fishing. I will hunt with a gun, but bow hunting, for the most part dominates my interest in hunting. For about the last fifteen years, my nephew Matt Pelton, has been and continues to be my fishing partner. Together we have fished in Illinois, Wisconsin, Michigan, Canada, and South Carolina, extensively. Many other places less frequently.